Looking after the collective interests of the UK cucumber and pepper industries

Welcome to the Cucumber & Pepper Growers' Association

The Cucumber & Pepper Growers’ Association (CPGA) exists to look after the collective interests of the commercial UK cucumber and pepper industry and, where possible, anticipate and prepare for new challenges.

The Cucumber Growers’ Association was established in November 2000 following an inaugural meeting / conference at Stockbridge Technology Centre. It has since formed a formal constitution, published its objectives and a research and development strategy, and become recognised by official organisations as the voice of the cucumber industry. The association included UK pepper growers from 2022, as following the dissolution of the Pepper Technology Group it was felt that both cucumber and pepper growers could be well represented by a combined association, and that the group would have more clout including both crops in their activities.

There are currently over 30 CGA grower and supplier members. The Chairman of the CGA is James Broekhuizen from Anchor Nurseries Ltd.

Our Objectives

To maintain the viability of the British cucumber industry by:

  • Providing a voice for the membership of the CGA
  • Promoting the British cucumber industry
  • Directing technical developments.

Membership of the CGA

  • Membership of the CGA is open to any person involved with cucumber production in the UK.
  • Associate membership is open to other persons with an interest in the UK cucumber industry (eg retailers). However, such members will not vote or become members of the committees.
  • Honorary members may be elected by the Main Committee for fixed periods of time. This will reflect their contribution to the CGA.

Anti-Slavery Statement

“The Cucumber Growers Association strongly supports the drive against slavery and human trafficking within the industry and actively encourages its members to ensure that there is no modern slavery within their businesses.”

Cucumber and Pepper Conference


We host an annual Cucumber and Pepper Growers’ Conference in the Lea Valley, which consists of a range of technical sessions and industry updates on topics such as Pest & Disease control, crop protection and management, and fresh produce market information. It is also a fantastic opportunity to network with industry colleagues.

Click on the image to find out more!

CGA News